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    Hong Kong Ghost Stories (2011)

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    Hong Kong Ghost Stories
    Wong Jing's Classroom follows Ling, the new substitute teacher at a suburban high school. She feels something wrong about her class. The students in her Class 4E are an unruly bunch, except for Don Don, who always sits quietly in the corner. Suspecting that her students Gi Gi, Co Co, and Fong engage in prostitution, Ling reports the problems with her class to the dean, only to be told that there has never been a Class 4E in the school... In Patrick Kong's Travel, a group of friends go on vacation in Mainland, during which Bo gets killed in a road accident. At Bo's funeral, her travel mates meet Bo's estranged lover Ka Ming , with whom Bo had a heated quarrel on the phone just prior to her tragic death. At the hot-pot dinner after the funeral, a pale-faced Ka Ming reveals to the survivors the secret of his relationship with Bo before going on a killing spree...

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    • Patrick Kong
    • ~ 97 min.
    • Horror
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    5.1 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Horror
    Schauspieler: Hin-Wai Au  Jacquelin Ch'ng  May Ka-Kai Chan  Rose Chan  Chrissie Chow  Pakho Chow  Charmaine Fong  Jeana Ho  7 weitere
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