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    Citizen Verdict (2003)

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    Citizen Verdict
    Marty Rockman, the notorious producer of the hit reality-TV show \"So Sue Me\", has a brand new concept: \"Citizen Verdict\". Each week a real criminal case will be tried before the American people, but this time they're also the jury. If the defendant is voted guilty in a death penalty case, Rockman will televise the execution. When an escalation in violent crime and terrorism hits the state of Florida, Governor Tyler, desperate to be seen as a tough-on-crime Republican leader in the upcoming Presidential race, decides to give Rockman his chance and \"Citizen Verdict\" goes into production in Tampa. Selected by phone-in vote, the show's first contestant is Ricky Carr -- a man accused of the rape and murder of popular celebrity-chef Dolly Hamilton. The case is a surefire ratings winner. But when an investigation begins, it becomes apparent that Ricky may be innocent of murder.

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    • Philippe Martinez
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    IMDb Wertung:
    4.4 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Drama
    Autor: Tony Clarke
    Executive Producer: Donald A. Barton
    Produzent: Helmut Breuer
    Co-Produzent: Alan Latham
    BBFC: 15
    MPAA: R
    Schauspieler: Armand Assante  Jerry Springer  Roy Scheider  Justine Mitchell  Raffaello Degruttola  Dorette Potgieter  Clive Scott  Lynn Blades  32 weitere
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