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    A Little Pond (2009)

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    A Little Pond
    The Korean war does not start well for the US. They are being routed by the North Koreans and In July 1950, the early stage of the Korean War, at the Jugok Village in the middle of the Korean Peninsula, Chang-yee and his friends grow excited over the amateur singing contest knowing nothing about what is going on around them. At the time, the US Army keeps losing and are pushed back to the village, evacuating all villagers to head south. The villagers took refuge like going on a picnic believing that the US Army is protecting them, they just follow their orders moving south bound.

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    • Sang-woo Lee
    • ~ 86 min.
    • Kriegsfilm
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    6.4 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Kriegsfilm
    Drehbuch: Sang-woo Lee
    Schauspieler: Seong-kun Mun  Roe-ha Kim  Hye-jin Jeon  Myeong-cheol Shin  Michael Frederick Arnold  Hye-min Bae  Hye-min Goo  Ji-soo Hong  50 weitere
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